Well, howdy there! Let me tell ya somethin’ ’bout this here internet thing. Folks call it all sorts of names, like “internet *” or somethin’. Don’t rightly know what that means, but I reckon it’s got somethin’ to do with them young’uns and their computin’ machines.
What is this “Internet *” Anyways?
Now, from what I hear, this “internet *,” or whatever you wanna call it, is like a big ol’ meetin’ place. Kinda like the town square back in the day, but instead of folks gatherin’ ’round the waterin’ hole, they’re tappin’ away on their phones and such.
- Meetin’ folks: I hear tell you can find all sorts of folks on there. Young, old, in-between. Some lookin’ for love, some just lookin’ for a chat. They call it “on-line datin’” or somethin’. Sounds fancy, but I bet it’s just like courtin’, only faster and with more gadgets.
- Sharpen up your mind or learn something new: There’s them fellers and gals who teach, share their ideas, they have something to sell, like a blog, or “vlog”, or just a “casual content creator” they are called, like some kinda fancy job title, I say!
- Talkin’ ’bout stuff: Seems like folks like to talk on this here internet. They got these things called “chat rooms” and “forums.” Reminds me of the ladies’ gossip circle down at the general store, only bigger and louder. You can talk about anything, from recipes to politics to who’s courtin’ who.
Is it safe, you ask?
Now, I ain’t no expert, but I’ve heard some stories. Just like in the real world, there’s good folks and bad folks on this here internet. You gotta be careful who you talk to and what you share. Don’t go givin’ away your life story to the first stranger you meet, ya hear?
Finding Love on the Internet?
Some folks say you can find love on this here internet. They got these “on-line datin’” sites, like “Zoosk” and “Match.” They say it’s a good way to meet folks, especially if you live out in the sticks like me where there aren’t too many single fellers around. I reckon it’s like havin’ a matchmaker, only instead of a little old lady with a book full of names, you got a computer program doin’ the matchin’. And they cost money, mind you! Nothing is free these days, not even looking for a good man or woman.
Making Friends and Build Communities
It ain’t just about love, though. You can find friends too. People who like the same things you do, whether it’s quiltin’ or fishin’ or talkin’ about the weather. You can join these “chat rooms” and “forums” and chat with folks from all over the world. It’s like havin’ a big ol’ virtual coffee klatch.

Is this Internet thing free?
Well, some of it is and some of it ain’t. It’s like anything else in life, I guess. You get what you pay for. Some of them datin’ sites and such, they charge you a fee. But there’s plenty of free stuff out there too. You just gotta poke around and see what you can find.
So, what’s the deal with “Internet Chicks?”
Now, this here “internet chicks” term, it’s got me puzzled. Sounds like it’s talkin’ about the women on the internet. But women are everywhere, not just on the internet. And they ain’t no different online than they are offline. They’re just folks, tryin’ to live their lives and connect with others. Some are lookin’ for love, some are lookin’ for friends, some are just lookin’ for a good laugh. So if there are “internet chicks” then they must be internet fellers too!
In conclusion this “internet *” thing is just a fancy way of sayin’ people connectin’ with each other on-line. It’s got its good points and its bad points, just like anything else. But if you’re careful and use your common sense, it can be a good way to meet folks, learn things, and stay connected to the world. Just remember to keep your wits about ya and don’t believe everything you read. And for goodness sake, don’t go sharin’ your personal information with every Tom, Dick, and Harry you meet on there! That’s all the sense I can make of it!
Tags: [Internet Chicks, Online Dating, Social Interaction, Community, Internet Safety, Match, Zoosk, Chat Rooms, Forums, Online Community]