Alright, now let me tell ya how to get MP3Gain set up on this here Linux Mint 21.3. Sometimes, people fuss and fidget, thinkin’ it’s complicated, but ya follow along here, and it’ll be as easy as pie. I’ll go step by step, so ya can adjust them MP3 volumes just right without any hassle.
Step 1: Open Up That Terminal
First things first, we gotta open up the terminal. Now, don’t go lookin’ for somethin’ fancy here – just find that lil’ black screen with the white letters. If ya don’t see it, hit the Menu button, and search for Terminal.
Once ya got that open, ya gotta start with updating them packages. So type in:

sudo apt update
This here command tells Linux Mint to check for any updates, makin’ sure everything’s up-to-date. After it’s done, we’re ready to move forward.
Step 2: Installing MP3Gain
Now we’re onto the important bit – installing MP3Gain itself. This here tool helps even out them audio volumes on your MP3 files, so they ain’t too loud or too quiet. It’s a lifesaver, I tell ya. But to get it workin’ on Linux Mint 21.3, just follow along:
sudo apt install mp3gain
Once ya hit enter, Linux Mint’ll ask for your password (if it don’t, ya must’ve set it up differently). Type that in – and don’t worry if ya don’t see any letters poppin’ up; it’s takin’ it in even if ya don’t see it. Just hit enter after ya type it in, and it’ll start installin’ MP3Gain for ya.
Step 3: Verify That MP3Gain Installed Properly
After installin’, ya wanna make sure it’s all set up right. So in that same terminal, type:
mp3gain -v
If it shows ya the version number, then you’re in business! If somethin’ went wrong, ya might have to check that you got everything up-to-date or even try installin’ again, but most times it works like a charm on Linux Mint 21.3.
Step 4: Using MP3Gain
Now that it’s all set up, let’s start usin’ it. Say ya got a song that’s too loud or too quiet – ya just need to use MP3Gain to fix it right up. Here’s how ya do it:
- Find the file path of your MP3. Easiest way? Just drag and drop it to the terminal after typin’ the command, and it’ll fill in the path for ya.
- Then type:
mp3gain -r /path/to/your/*3
to set that volume to an even level.
That -r
option there? It’s what tells MP3Gain to make the volume “normal” all by itself. If ya want, ya can adjust it more detailed-like, but for most folks, that -r
gets the job done just fine.
Step 5: Optional – Install MP3Gain GUI (Graphical Interface)
If ya ain’t too comfortable with the terminal, there’s also a graphical version of MP3Gain that might be easier. Now, it ain’t always as straightforward to get, but there’s a PPA ya can add to get it. Just follow these steps:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mc3man/mp3gain
Then, update your packages again with:
sudo apt update
Finally, install the graphical version:
sudo apt install easymp3gain-gui
This version lets ya adjust volumes with buttons instead of typin’ in commands. Real easy, like. Just search for EasyMP3Gain in your applications once it’s installed, and ya can start adjustin’ them MP3 volumes without havin’ to remember commands.
And there ya have it – nice and simple, MP3Gain’s now set up on your Linux Mint 21.3. Followin’ these steps, you’ll be able to adjust them audio levels on all your music files, keepin’ ’em nice and even, so they’re all the same volume. No more fiddlin’ with the volume dial every time a new song starts!
Hope this little guide helps ya get MP3Gain workin’. With it, ya don’t gotta worry about ear-splittin’ loud songs or whispers ya can hardly hear – everything’ll be right where ya want it. Happy tunin’!
Tags:[Linux Mint 21.3, MP3Gain, Audio, Install Guide, Terminal Commands]